Guest Blog
New flooring you said you wouldn’t buy but you did anyway? New clothes that you need but maybe just not right now? The Christmas bits you couldn’t pass in the January sale but absolutely don’t need them for at least 11 months. Winter jumpers taking up too much storage space at home? That sofa you NEED for your own place, when you can eventually afford it. Somewhere to keep garden furniture that unfortunately has no use right now or a safe spot to keep valuables that you just don’t trust Airbnb users not to break…
We all drive past industrial storage unit buildings and look on in awe, who actually uses those and what do they use them for? We automatically think about moving house and packing up boxes upon boxes of prized possessions. Or, we think of storage wars – what could be inside? If I got a nosey through someone’s could I become a millionaire within seconds? Honestly? I’ve learnt recently that that is farfetched nonsense of what storage units can be used for. In reality, storage units can work for almost anyone.
On my last trip home I looked around my childhood bedroom, everything sitting as perfectly as I had left it when I went to study in Edinburgh over 7 years ago… books siting gathering dust, old Irish dancing pieces sat ready to be used at any minute. Old clothes that are way out of fashion but might come back in – you never know! Now when I come home for the weekend I feel as if I am setting up camp in the bedroom of a younger me. I decided it was time to ditch the junk. I went about like a lunatic for a full day organising and tidying, dumping and piling. Making sure nothing was getting binned without very good reason. I am a bit of a hoarder if you can’t guess…
With boxes, black bags and piles towering higher than I stood I wondered if this was in reality a good idea. The more I thought about it, the attic was filled to the brim with other bits and pieces that just couldn’t be throw out – so much so that this year’s new Christmas decorations had to be stored in the garage… maybe I would have to bin my ‘favourite possessions’ after all.
Despite the moments of doubt when I realised I’ve had created more mess than I had tidied, I started in on my wardrobe. After passing by my outfit I wore to my leavers night in 2012 followed by a dress that I loved but never managed to zip fully (someday…) and then my old school uniform, I realised that whilst this was stuff that I wanted to keep it didn’t have to be in close proximity to me.
I set about googling storage in Derry and as a complete beginner I felt that maybe I wasn’t the best candidate. Did I even have enough stuff to fill a storage unit? How much would it cost? Fast forward one hour I found myself stood in the warm reception of Store and Go! Grainne, the Store Manager, talked me through the entire process from operating the electronic entrance gate, temperature controlled units, different sizes of units (which blew my mind – why did I think they were all the size of a generic storage container?) and a dedicated app to control how I accessed my very own unit – I began to think of it as a second wardrobe that had the benefit of being out of sight (and out of mind!). I got a tour of the entire premises which was super interesting and then loaded my belonging into the biggest lift I’ve ever seen before organising my life into a 25 square foot unit!
For me being a clothes lover, this was the ideal scenario. Clothes given room to breathe and in a safe individually alarmed unit which I could access any time I needed! I genuinely wondered why I hadn’t considered this sooner. Wisdom comes with age they say? I’m unsure but this seems like a definite step I the right direction.
Now I find myself nipping down to check up on my unit every time I fly home, adding and taking away from the content and even hiding a Topshop bag in there on my way home from town when I’m ‘meant to be saving’. It’s almost like the best friend I never thought I needed… safe, secure, controlled and absolutely no judgement.
2020 must be the year of being organised and I am here for it! An absolute game changer.
Guest Blog by Caoilfhionn Mc Monagle _Wearwhatworks